Hello, everybody! I hope everyone of you had a fabulous week. I know I did! But it seems to be that way every week as a missionary.
Something I've been teaching myself is to be more grateful. So, I decided to set aside a journal specifically for things I'm grateful for. Every day I write five things that I was grateful for that day and that has changed my perspective on everything!!! I love it. You guys should try it sometime. It makes me a happier person when I can sit down and reflect on all the blessings Heavenly Father has given me. Sometimes, especially in this world we live in, it's hard to think about positive things. We are quick to have a "poor me" kinda attitude. Imagine how sad that makes Heavenly Father when we do that! He's given us everything, we just gotta look around. Sure, life is hard. No one said it was going to be the contrary. Every day is a learning experience and I firmly believe that if we go a day without learning something new, then we are missing out on opportunities to learn and grow. It all starts with the attitude. So, as a representative of Jesus Christ, I invite everyone reading this to write down one thing they're grateful for every single day. Notice how it changes your perspective and view on life.
Perspective is something I've learned a lot about this week. It was reiterated many times, and I'm so thankful for that. There's a song from the movie The Prince of Egypt called "Through Heaven's Eyes". When I was a kid, I didn't think much of the song outside of its catchy beat and tune. But now, as I seriously pondered the lyrics, it brought a whole new meaning to my life and to my ministry as a missionary. The song is all about having an eternal perspective. If we don't look at our lives through heaven's eyes then we will think things differently. We will think someone is more valuable than another person because of the stuff that they have. Or don't have, for that matter. I don't know, that song just really touched me this week and I felt like I needed to share that.
This last week, in district meeting, we set a goal of having 8 new investigators. That meant each companionship would need to find 2 new investigators. It was fun getting out and being pumped about missionary work after that because I'm not gonna lie, sometimes we need a push of motivation after days of rejection. We met our goal and so, to celebrate, we are going to have carne asada tacos after district meeting this week! Also, we've been trying to start this thing where we wear pink on Wednesdays, so our whole district wore pink last week. #DistrictUnity
We got to see the elders in our district a few times last week because of different meeting and things of that sort but we also celebrated Elder Lewis' birthday at a place called Rancherito's. He put his birthday candles in a burrito. As Spanish missionaries, we gotta celebrate the right way, you know? Haha it was really funny.
We also got to celebrate the birthday of two other elders in our zone, Elder Wood and Elder Blaylock. Their birthday is on the same day so we had a surprise birthday lunch for them and they were actually surprised. That's awesome because we were afraid their companions would accidentally tell or they would've seen the phone or something (24/7 companion, whatcha gonna do). But luckily they didn't.
After the lunch, we drove straight to the devotional with an apostle of the lord. We got to shake his hand before the meeting and it was truly powerful. I could feel his power when I shook his hand. It was amazing. It strengthened my testimony a ton about how we can have prophets in this day. I approached the meeting with three questions written down in my journal that I had had. They were all answered! Which only confirmed more to me that he is an inspired man of God. It was definitely something I'll never forget. Next month we have another apostle coming to our mission as well, so we shall see what happens with that.
Something cool I learned yesterday on exchanges is that some people can be really mean. Like, okay. I get it. It can be inconvenient to have two young missionaries knocking on your door on your only day off from work. But, we have a message that we share. We devote 18 months to 2 years of our lives to share it because we know it can help others. I just wish some people would give us a shot and not cuss us out or banish us from their neighborhood. Sometimes I think about how in the Savior's Second Coming, when He is judging everyone one-by-one, there will be a huge screen showing people the times He sent missionaries to preach about His gospel. And showing them the times they rejected them or didn't even bother to open the door and hear what they had to say. We find people all the time that tell us "Well all churches talk about God and that's what's important." But wouldn't it be the best thing to know that we have the same exact church that Jesus Christ established when He was on the earth?? To know that God loves us so much, He doesn't want us to be confused about all these churches that are on the earth? He wants us to know of one church, one true church. Something Elder Ballard said to us is that Jesus Christ is the author of simplicity, and Lucifer is the author of complexity. That really made me think. I don't know, maybe I'm just going off on a tangent right now.
Yesterday, I tried for the first time MENUDO. It's soup with cow stomach and intestines in it. I tried it because the member we were eating with took us to a restaurant and she asked me if I tried it before and I said no. So she put all the meat from the soup on top of the rice I ordered and made me eat it. So I tried it because... Why not! Haha, it was interesting. But now I can cross that off my list of things to do here on my mission.
But anyways. Yeah, I had a great week! Some days are harder than others but hard days make me work harder and learn more about myself and about others.
Love you all!
Hermana Pecjak
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